Un système gangréné, du pain et des jeux…

Quand les dignitaires romains offraient au peuple les spectacles de l’arène, ils faisaient étalage de leur puissance et de leur richesse. Ils s’assuraient aussi une certaine paix sociale, en maintenant la plèbe hors du jeu politique. Juvénal résuma ce que le peuple de Rome demandait à ses dirigeants en deux mots: Du pain et des jeux (Panem et circensens).

2000 ans plus tard si le sanguinaire a laissé place au spectacle cette volonté de faire passer provisoirement un évènement sportif en premier plan de manière à occulter une certaine réalité reste la même. Les combattants de l’époque, ont laissé la place aux sportifs de haut niveau. Ballons ronds et maintenant ovales remplacent glaives et tridents

Offrir au peuple des divertissements fait toujours parti de la vie publique, la notion de propagande reste la même[…]

Du pain et des jeux

Comme en parlait notre collègue Pierre JC Allard dans son billet «Les hommes de confiance», le monde ordinaire souffre de ne plus faire confiance à personne. Je dirais même plus, le monde ordinaire se sent trahis par tout le système et ses représentants. Il n’y a plus de modèles, seulement des exemples d’échecsToute notre démocratie apparait comme un leurre, une entreprise de manipulation médiatique et de corruption pour garantir, sous couvert de choix vides de sens,  la pérennité de la dictature d’une certaine élite cooptée qui exploite tous ceux qui n’en sont pas.

Nous sommes entrés dans l’ère de l’éthique il y a quelque temps, ayant pour résultat de faire prendre conscience à la masse que la corruption a été érigée en système et que les repères du passé n’existent plus. C’est le moment de vérité. Nous sommes entourés de scandales. Il n’y a qu’à regarder ce qui tient les Québécois occupés de ces temps-ci: l’affaire Bastarache,  les gaz schistes, le refus de John James Charest d’ouvrir des enquêtes indépendantes publiques pour faire la lumière sur les contrats mafieux de la construction et sur les pertes faramineuses de la Caisse de dépôts et de placement.

La grogne et la frustration sont à leur paroxysme dans la population. Pour s’assurer une paix sociale et éviter la révolte générale, la classe dirigeante doit fournir du pain et des jeux, comme à l’époque de Rome. On n’a certainement pas réinventé la roue, ni les principes de la propagande. Le sport professionnel et le divertissement constituent la soupape de sécurité pour éviter que la population explose de rage.

Divertissement: 2. Au fig., littér. Élément qui détourne des choses sérieuses. Synon. mod. diversion. Spéc. [P. réf. à la conception pascalienne du divertissement] Occupation, ensemble de données qui détourne l’Homme de l’essentiel et l’éloigne des problèmes propres à sa condition. (Source)

À voir ce dont les médias et les Québécois parlent présentement, il semble qu’une des grandes préoccupations de l’heure ne soit pas la politique et la gangrène qui désagrège rapidement le Système, mais bien le sort des Canadiens de Montréal et de Carey Price! On dirait qu’une bonne frange de la population opère tranquillement un transfert psychologique de leur malaise vers le sport en en faisant une question démesurément importante. Les gens ont besoin de trouver des héros pour combler leur sentiment (injustifié) d’impuissance. Le peuple cherche une soupape pour relâcher un peu de frustration sous pression, mais comble du malheur, ils sont même privés de leur pain et leurs jeux.

Les héros n’existent plus au niveau politique ni judiciaire. Alors on se tourne vers le sport professionnel. Et comme le hockey est la religion du Québec, c’est de là que plusieurs cherchent le sauveur qui incarne ce qui reste des valeurs que le peuple chérit. Jaroslav Halak avait transporté les foules lors de la dernière série de la Coupe Stanley, incarnant le succès face à l’adversité. Le nouveau héros était trouvé. Mais dans la froideur d’un geste incompréhensible de l’organisation des Canadiens qu’on justifie comme étant un choix d’affaire dû au plafond salarial de la LNH, Halak fut échangé, venant ainsi frustrer une grande quantité de fans de hockey. Une grande indélicatesse de la part des dirigeants des Canadiens qui semblent souvent oublier que bien qu’ils sont les propriétaires du club de hockey, c’est les gens qui leur permettent de vivre. Encore une fois, on fait fi de la volonté du peuple. La soupape ne fonctionne plus et on s’en prend à Carey Price, le pauvre! La grande maladresse des Canadiens a été de ne pas reconnaitre qu’on ne peut pas ne pas tenir compte de ce que les gens ont dans le coeur. C’est le même problème avec la classe dirigeante au Québec qui ignore complètement ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir, mais qui l’ont oublié: le Peuple.

Ce n’est pas dans mes habitudes de parler de sport, mais je pense réellement qu’il y a beaucoup plus dans l’air qu’un simple mécontentement des partisans et de la population face à un gardien de but. Il n’est plus possible de se détourner des choses sérieuses et essentielles! Si seulement on pouvait canaliser cette énergie pour effectuer un grand ménage au Québec, mettre au chômage tous les politiciens véreux et corrompus, remettre à leur place le secteur privé et financier qui a opéré un coup d’État silencieux et contrôle la nation québécoise. Au lieu de chercher des héros dans le monde du sport, il serait opportun de remettre nos valeurs en place, de retrouver le sens de la vie et de réaliser que les héros, c’est tous et chacun. Le pouvoir, c’est le Peuple. Si on ne le représente plus, si on le trompe, le trahis, le vole et le ridiculise, et bien que ce peuple se défende. Que notre rage soit dirigée vers l’essentiel, l’important et que le sport redevienne une joie momentanée de se réjouir ensemble lorsque tout ira mieux dans notre nation québécoise.

François Marginean

Image Flickr par Guillaume Boisseau

12 Commentaires

Classé dans Actualité, François Marginean

12 réponses à “Un système gangréné, du pain et des jeux…

  1. Jean-Marie De Serre

    Je ne peux que dire  » OUI  » d’accord avec vous : le pouvoir c’est  » LE PEUPLE « .=== Monsieur François Marginean , j’ai relu votre insertion de Monsieur Pierre J.C.Allard ; il dit je regarde tous les jours. Regardez bien aussi. Si vous voyez quelque chose ou quelqu’un dites-le bien haut. Ce serait une bonne nouvelle.=== Personnellement(J.M.) je crois que quelqu’un , ce sera comme depuis toujours.=== Quelque  » CHOSE  » , ce sera comme tous les quelqu’uns qui nous dirigent présentement. === Par contre tous ceux qui comme Monsieur Allard et vous Monsieur Marginean faites la différence , de même que Monsieur Mario Dumont et Monsieur Stéphane Gendron qui sont ou était à  » V « etc , Jérome , l’avocat , la quarantaine , La chevreuille etc. sur mon blogue , ce serait important que le peuple puisse les voirs.=== Personnellement je n’ai la haute vitesse à temps pleins que depuis 3 mois , et c’est Amicus qui me fait le service. === Je l’ai dis
    et le redis : Jean Charest et Yvon Vallière , il y en a des crimes de bons  » CHIENS DE GARDES  » aussi à la campagne , moi je leur rend grâce , sur le Web. === On a tous un talent , et ce , en chaque « HUMAIN qui fait qu’il y a un  » PEUPLE « .
    Jean-Marie De Serre.

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  4. Druide
    Sur le contrôle de l’industrie du divertissement/médias, ne citant que des sources juives: ‘BEDOUINS ON JETS’ Syrian Jews, who have clustered in Brooklyn, New York, have also emerged as major force in the sportswear industry, particularly blue jeans lines such as Jordache and Gitano. In many ways, these newcomers constitute, if anything, a throwback to an even earlier tradition of transnational Jewish businessmen. Products of a community under constant siege, they travel the world like Bedouins on jets, with few loyalties beyond their immediate family operations. [Joel KOTKIN, Tribes, p. 51] MEDIA: ‘A DISPROPORTIONATE INFLUENCE’ Although not in control of the media and the arts, as some anti-Semites suggest, Jews clearly possess a disproportionate influence in movies, publishing, advertising and theater. In the media, according to one survey in the 1970s, one quarter of the leading figures were Jewish, more than ten times their percentage in the general population. [Joel KOTKIN, Tribes, p. 61] ‘THE REAL POWER IN HOLLYWOOD’ Jewish power in Hollywood no longer centers on those who own the studios but on the assorted agents, independent producers and writers who increasingly dominate the industry, including promoters such as Arnon Milchan, Michael Ovitz and David Geffen, a former [talent] agent and record producer whom Forbes in 1990 identified as “the richest man in Hollywood”. Traditional Jewish skills in selling, marketing, assembling the various “elements” needed for mounting a production remain critical. … Margo Bernay, a craft union business agent whose family first started commuting to Hollywood from the old Jewish neighborhoods of East Los Angeles in the 1930s, observes: “If you look at the real power in this town it’s the agents, the producers; it’s not with the studios. In the old days the studios owned the talent; now the talent owns the studios. So that’s where the Jews are, where the creativity is, the talent, the glamour, the power. It’s the sechel [reason] side of the business, the mentality. It’s the part of the business that doesn’t have boundaries that you get in big corporations—it gives you the space Jews have been brought up to push for.” [Joel KOTKIN, Tribes, pp. 61-62] ‘VIOLENCE AND SEX’ ON TV ‘UNDER JEWISH AEGIS’ The content of Hollywood film and network TV under Jewish aegis in the 1980s differed significantly from the programmatic texture of the movies and radio networks that the Jewish film and broadcasting magnates of the previous generation had disseminated. There was now virtual abandonment of the puritanical strictures derived from mainline Protestant culture. Now there was almost unlimited concession to market demands and common depiction of violence and sex in films and on television. The Jewish entertainment entrepreneurs were now usually much better educated than their predecessors but the products they offered were frequently more vulgar in content, presented, however, [with] the greatest technical skill imaginable. [Norman F. CANTOR, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, p. 401] ONE-QUARTER OF THE RICHEST AMERICANS; 30% OF ALL BILLIONAIRES ARE JEWISH. Beginning in the early 1980s, Forbes magazine published an annual compilation of the four hundred richest Americans. Strictly based on their percentage of the general population, there should have been about twelve Jews on this list. Instead, there were over one hundred. Jews, who constituted less than 3 percent of the American people, made up over one-quarter of the richest Americans. They were over-represented by a factor of nine. By contrast, ethnic groups that greatly outnumbered Jews— Italians, Hispanics, blacks, and eastern Europeans— had few representatives on the list. The higher the category of assets listed by Forbes, the greater the percentage of Jews. Over 30 percent of American billionaires were Jewish. The same phenomenon was also found in Canada, where the three most prominent business families were all Jewish —the Belzbergs of Vancouver, the Bronfmans of Montreal, and the Reichmanns of Toronto. It was possible that Forbes even underestimated the number of America’s super-rich Jews, since many of them had become wealthy in real estate, the most difficult of fields to gauge assets and the easiest in which to hide wealth. An even more impressive list appeared in the [July 22] 1986 issue of Financial World. It numbered the one hundred Wall Street executives —investment bankers, money managers, arbitrageurs, buyout specialists, speculators, commodities traders, and brokers— who had earned at least $3 million in 1985. The list began with Ivan Boesky, who supposedly made $100 million … Boesky’s earnings were dwarfed by the $500 million Michael Milken earned in a following year … Milken and Boesky were Jewish, as were half of the people mentioned by the Financial World. Wall Street’s Jewish heavy hitters included George Soros ($93.5 million), Asher Edelman ($25 million), Morton Davis ($25 million), and Michael Steinhardt ($20 million). [Edward S. Shapiro, A Time For Healing: American Jewry Since World War II, p. 117] BUYING INTO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Jewish billionaires in the 1990s demonstrated that they had arrived at the pinnacle of social prowess and cultural importance by buying professional sports teams, hitherto the proud preserve of WASP and Irish magnates. By 1993 the New York football Giants, the most honored name in professional sports, two other National Football League teams, and two of the major league baseball franchises were in Jewish hands. One of these Jewish owners carried so much weight with the other owners that he engineered the firing of the baseball commissioner and took over as acting commissioner, representing the owners before a congressional committee. In the 1930s American Jews had thought they were doing well when they produced a couple of boxing champions. The Jews did not have to show their sweaty bodies anymore; they owned the teams. [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, p. 405] THE POWER OF THE PRESS As in Berlin and Vienna before Hitler, the Jewish role in publishing was an important one. By 1950 Jewish families owned two of the three most influential newspapers in the United States, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Furthermore, both families were directly involved in the daily operation of the papers and in setting their editorial policies. [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, p. 405] ‘THE POWER OF THE WORD’ It is true that Jews are represented in the media business in numbers far out of proportion to their share of the population. Studies have shown that while Jews make up little more than 5 percent of the working press nationwide —hardly more than their share of the population— they make up one fourth or more of the writers, editors, and producers in America’s “elite media”, including network news divisions, the top newsweeklies and the four leading daily papers (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal). In the fast-evolving world of media mega-corporations, Jews are even more numerous. In an October 1994 Vanity Fair feature profiling the kingpins of the new media elite, titled “The New Establishment”, just under half of the two-dozen entrepreneurs profiled were Jews. In the view of the magazine’s editors, these are America’s true power elite, “men and women from the entertainment, communications and computer industries, whose ambitions and influence have made America the one true superpower of the Information Age”. And in a few key sectors of the media, notably among Hollywood studio executives, Jews are so numerically dominant that calling these businesses Jewish-controlled is little more than a statistical observation. “If there is Jewish power, it’s the power of the word, the power of Jewish columnists and Jewish opinion makers,” says Eugene Fisher, director of Catholic-Jewish relations at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and one of the Jewish community’s staunchest defenders in religious Christian circles. “The Jewish community is a very literate community, and it has a lot to say. And if you can shape opinion, you can shape events.” [J.J. Goldberg. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, p. 280] MEDIA CLOUT MEANS POLITICAL INFLUENCE For all of the rank anti-Semitism lurking in the Jewish-conspiracy theories, the notion of Jewish influence in the media is not necessarily anti-Semitic in and of itself. The awkward fact is that, indeed, “the Jews invented Hollywood,” as historian Neal Gabler put it in the unfortunate subtitle of his 1988 historical study, An Empire of Their Own. The movie camera was invented by non-Jews, but the Hollywood dream factory was created by a handful of immigrant Jewish entrepreneurs. They saw the motion picture’s potential as a storytelling device, and they built the studios, distribution systems, and movie theaters to promote it nationwide. These few … turned a technological curiosity into a multibillion-dollar industry. A generation later, a young group of Jewish entrepreneurs did the same thing with the radio transmitter, the microphone, and the television camera. … Hollywood at the end of the twentieth century is still an industry with a pronounced ethnic tinge. Virtually all the senior executives at the major studios are Jews. Writers, producers, and to a lesser degree directors are disproportionately Jewish—one recent study showed the figure as high as 59 percent among top-grossing films. The combined weight of so many Jews in one of America’s most lucrative and important industries gives the Jews of Hollywood a great deal of political power. … But the same could be said, to a much greater degree, of other industries with significant concentrations of Jews: Wall Street, New York real estate, or the garment industry. In each of those industries, Jews make up a significant bloc—an important minority on Wall Street, near majorities in clothing and commercial real estate—and have translated their clout into a visible presence on the political scene. [J.J. Goldberg. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, pp. 286-288] KEY DECISION MAKING’ IN TV NEWS; NEARLY ONE-THIRD OF THE ‘MEDIA ELITE’ All told, the once-scruffy vocation [of journalism] has become an intellectually exciting, reasonably well-paid, prestigious profession in which Jews play an increasingly important role. In 1982, for example, Jews made up a little less than 6 percent of the national press corps as a whole but 25 to 30 percent of the “media elite”—those working for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal; for Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report; and for the news divisions of CBS, NBC, ABC, and the Public Broadcasting System and its leading stations. (A 1971 study put the number of Jews in the media elite at 25 percent.) When one looks at the key decision-making positions, the Jewish role appears to be even larger. [Charles E. Silberman, A Certain People, pp.152-153] ‘INFLUENTIAL’ IN ‘MANAGEMENT OF TV NEWS’ Jews are equally influential, if less well known, in the management of television news. It is the network correspondents, of course, who have become household names, among them Jews … The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level—and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order they will run. In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jewish, as were the executive producers of CBS’s 60 Minutes and ABC’s 20/20. And Jews are almost equally prominent at the “senior producer” and “broadcast producer” levels as well as in senior management. [Charles E. Silberman, A Certain People, pp.153-154] ‘BOOKS BY OR ABOUT JEWS’ [The Oct. 18, 1992 reviews section of The Washington Post] is full of books by or about Jews: on sports and the American Jewish experience; a biography of Bill Graham, a Holocaust survivor and leading rock & roll impresario; the story of an upper-class New York family infected by anti-Semitism; a South African woman’s group portrait of her set of Jewish friends; a Jewish couple’s volume on foreign investments in America, analyzing problems of multiple loyalties and foreign influence; parallel issues in assimilation; and a Jewish author’s book on politics in higher education, discussing multiculturalism in terms drawn from the integration of Jews into American society. PRO-ISRAEL COLUMNISTS AND COMMENTATORS Writing on MSNBC.com on April 2, 2003, Jewish-American writer Eric Alterman provided a fascinating overview of the preponderance of pro-Israel commentary that appears amongst columnists and commentators in the American media, not all of whom (obviously) are Jewish, but who —in most cases— workfor media outlets that, in many cases, are either owned outright by Jewish financial interests or which are heavily influenced by the Jewish community. The list provided by Alterman follows, although a considerably smaller list of other columnists who are critical of Israel—including such obvious names as Pat Buchanan—has not been included. Please note that the prefatory descriptive material preceding the various lists of names is Alterman’s terminology, although we have noted those columnists who are not known to be Jewish by rendering their proper names in italics. In brackets we have also added additional material of our own, that is clearly noted as an editorial insertion. Columnists and Commentators Who Can Be Counted Upon to Support Israel Reflexively and Without Qualification: • George Will, The Washington Post, Newsweek and ABC News • William Safire, The New York Times • A.M. Rosenthal, The New York Daily News, formerly Executive Editor of and later columnist for, The New York Times • Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, PBS, Time, and The Weekly Standard, formerly of The New Republic • Michael Kelly, The Washington Post, The Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and MSNBC.com, formerly of The New Republic and The New Yorker [Now deceased—killed during the Iraq war.—Ed.] • Lally Weymouth, The Washington Post, Newsweek [Note: Ms. Weymouth is half-Jewish, being the daughter of late Washington Post Company chief Katharine Meyer Graham and her non-Jewish (and, ironically, reportedly anti-Semitic) husband, the late Philip Graham—Ed.] • Martin Peretz, The New Republic • Daniel Pipes, The New York Post [Note: Pipes has reportedly claimed to not be Jewish, but many sources say otherwise.—Ed.] • Andrea Peyser, The New York Post • Dick Morris, The New York Post • Lawrence Kaplan, The New Republic • William Bennett, CNN • William Kristol, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, Fox News, formerly of ABC News • Robert Kagan, The Washington Post and The Weekly Standard • Mortimer Zuckerman, US News and World Report [Zuckerman recently served as Chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations—Ed.] • David Gelernter, The Weekly Standard • John Podhoretz, The New York Post and The Weekly Standard • Mona Charen, The Washington Times • Morton Kondracke, Roll Call, Fox News, formerly of The McLaughlin Group, The New Republic and PBS • Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard, Fox News, formerly of The New Republic, The McLaughlin Group, and The Baltimore Sun • Sid Zion, The New York Post, The New York Daily News • Yossi Klein Halevi, The New Republic • Norman Podhoretz, Commentary • Jonah Goldberg, National Review • Laura Ingraham, CNN, formerly of MSNBC and CBS News • Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe • Rich Lowry, National Review • Andrew Sullivan, The New Republic • Seth Lipsky, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Sun, formerly of the Jewish Forward • Irving Kristol, The Public Interest, The National Interest and The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page • Allan Keyes, MSNBC, WorldNetDaily.com • Brit Hume, Fox News • John Leo, US News and World Report • Robert Bartley, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page • John Fund, The Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal, formerly of The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page [Ethnic origins unknown—Ed.] • Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page, • Ben Wattenberg, The Washington Times, PBS • Tony Snow, The Washington Times and Fox News • Lawrence Kudlow, National Review and CNBC • Alan Dershowitz, The Boston Herald, The Washington Times • David Horowitz, Frontpage.com • Jacob Heilbrun, The Los Angeles Times • Thomas Sowell, The Washington Times • Frank Gaffney Jr,, The Washington Times [Note: Gaffney’s ethnic antecedents are unknown, although there have been rumors that he was born to a gentile family but converted to Judaism.—Ed.] • Emmett Tyrell, The American Spectator and The New York Sun • Cal Thomas, The Washington Times • Oliver North, The Washington Times and Fox News, formerly of MSNBC • Michael Ledeen, Jewish World Review • William F. Buckley, National Review [Note: Although Buckley is widely recognized as an “Irish Catholic” and is known as a devout Catholic, his Roman Catholic antecedents are not, as widely believed, from his Scotch-Irish father’s side, but, instead from his mother’s side. Although Buckley’s mother was born to a German Catholic family based in New Orleans named Steiner, the late Chicago Tribune columnist, Walter Trohan, privately told intimates that it was his understanding that the Steiner family was originally Jewish and converted to Roman Catholicism, as did many Jewish families in New Orleans during the 18th and 19th centuries. This may well be the first time that Trohan’s revelation may have ever been committed to print. However, for expediency’s sake, we will list Buckley here as being “non-Jewish”, his reported ancestry notwithstanding—Ed.] • Bill O’Reilly, Fox News • Paul Greenberg, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette • L. Brent Bozell, The Washington Times • Todd Lindberg, The Washington Times • Michael Barone, US News and World Report and The McLaughlin Group • Ann Coulter, Human Events • Linda Chavez, Creators Syndicate [Note: Although Ms. Chavez was raised a Roman Catholic, her husband is Jewish and it has been rumored that she is a convert herself to Judaism.—Ed.] • Cathy Young, Reason Magazine [Note: Ms. Young’s ethnic heritage is unknown to the editor.— Ed.] • Uri Dan, New York Post • Dr. Laura Schlessinger, radio host • Rush Limbaugh, radio host Publications That, For Reasons of Owner or Editorship, Can Be Counted Upon to Support Israel Reflexively and Without Qualification: • The New Republic (Martin Peretz, Michael Steinhardt, Roger Hertog, Owners) • Commentary (American Jewish Committee, Owner) • US News and World Report (Mortimer Zuckerman, Owner) • The New York Daily News (Mortimer Zuckerman, Owner) • The New York Post (Rupert Murdoch, Owner) [Note: Murdoch is of at least partial Jewish descent.—Ed.) • The Weekly Standard (Rupert Murdoch, Owner) • The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page (Peter Kann, Editor) [Note: Alterman included The Atlantic Monthly in this list but since the magazine was sold by pro-Israel zealot Mortimer Zuckerman, its hard-line bias in favor of Israel seems to have softened.—Ed.] Columnists Likely to Criticize Both Israel and the Palestinians, But View Themselves to be Supporters of Israel, and Ultimately, Would Support Israeli Security Over Palestinian Rights: • Thomas Friedman, The New York Times • Richard Cohen, The Washington Post and New York Daily News • Avishai Margolit, The New York Review of Books • David Remnick, The New Yorker • Eric Alterman, The Nation and MSNBC.com • The New York Times Editorial Board • The Washington Post Editorial Board Clearly, Alterman’s lists are very instructive indeed, demonstrating beyond any question that—when it comes to the issue of the media’s reportage of the Middle East question—a predominant Jewish and pro-Israel bias is in place. The names on Alterman’s lists are virtually the “cream of the crop” of the elite media in America. Anyone who would suggest that there is not a pro-Israel bias on the part of the elite media commentators is speaking from an agenda and therefore to be dismissed. Needless to say, not all of the names on Alterman’s lists are Jewish by any means, so it cannot be suggested that “Only Jewish columnists are pro-Israel.” In fact, there are many non-Jewish writers who have adopted a slavish, pro-Israel stance and, if truth be told, it’s been quite good for their careers. And that, of course, might well be the best explanation as to why otherwise intelligent and balanced folks suddenly seem to lose all common sense on the sole issue of Israel. In short, promoting Israel is a lucrative business—even if the results are often bad for America! KEEPING JEWISH AFFLUENCE A SECRET Max Geltman, a reactionary identified with the National Review, revealed in his book, The Confrontation, that: “It’s by now an open secret that in 1957 the American Jewish Committee interceded with the Bureau of the Census in Washington and besought it not to ask questions about income related to national groupings in the 1960 census, for fear that the comparatively high income levels of the Jewish minority would lead to anti-Semitic outrages. The Bureau complied.” A WHO’S WHO OF THE JEWISH ELITE … What follows is list of wealthy American Jews, the sources of their wealth, and the estimated wealth (in 1986 dollars) as assembled by Jewish-American writer Lenni Brenner, based in part on the famous Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. A more up-to-date listing (based on 2004 figures) follows later in these pages, but this listing itself is instructive: • Leonard Abramson, U.S. Health Care Systems, Inc., $140 million; • Charles, Herbert & Herbert A. Allen, stock market and real estate, $549 million; • Walter Annenberg, TV Guide, publishing, $850 million; • Enid Annenberg Haupt, $180 million; • Esther Annenberg Simon, $180 million; • Jeannette Annenberg Hooker, $180 million; • Lita Annenberg Hazen, $180 million; • Evelyn Annenberg Hall, $180 million; • Edmund Ansin, Sunbeam TV Corp., $200 million; • Ted Arison, Carnival cruises, real estate, casinos, $300 million; • Robert Arnow, Jack & Alan Weiler share $450 million in real estate; • Arthur Belfer, Peruvian oil, New York real estate, $475 million; • Belz family of Memphis, Tennessee, real estate, $250 • Charles Benenson, real estate, $200 million; • Blaustein family, $850 million; • Paul Block and William Block, publishing, $300 million; • Neil Bluhm, real estate/Chicago, $300 million; • Judd Malkin, real estate/Chicago, $300 million; • Ivan Boesky, $150 million; • Edgar Bronfman, $665 million; • Edward and Sherman Cohen, real estate and construction, $330 million; • Seymour Cohn, $550 million; • Henry and Lester Crown, $1.1 billion; • Morton Davidowitz, (a.k.a. Morton Davis) D. H. Blair brokerage, $200 million; • Leonard Davis, Colonial Penn Group, insurance, $230 million; • Marvin Davis, Davis Oil Company, “still a billionaire” according to Forbes in 1985; • C. Douglas Dillon, $150 million; • Richard Dinner, In-Law of Swig family (San Francisco real estate), total family wealth: $450 million; • Sherman Dreiseszun & Frank Morgan, Kansas City real estate, banks, shopping malls, $300 million; • David, Roy and Seymour Durst, real estate, $550 million; • Jane Engelhard, widow of “platinum king”, $365 million; • Harold Farb, Houston real estate, $150 million; • Larry and Zachary Fisher, New York real estate, $600 million; • Max Fisher, U.S. and Israeli oil and petrochemical interests, $225 million; • Michel Fribourg, controls 20% of world grain trade, $700 million; • Alfred and Monte Goldman, real estate, father invented the shopping cart, $400 million; • Sol Goldman, formerly New York’s biggest landlord, $450 million; • Katharine Graham, Washington Post publishing empire, $350 million; • Pincus Green and Marc Rich, commodities traders, $200 million each; • Haas family, heirs to Levi Strauss empire, $775 million; • Armand Hammer, $150 million; • Leon Hess, Hess Oil, $360 million; • Horvitz family, Florida real estate, cable television, $250 million; • Peter Kalikow, real estate, $375 million; • Paul Kalmanovitz, Falstaff and Pabst beers, real estate, $250 million; • Howard Kaskel, real estate, $250 million; • Edwin Marion Kauffman, Marion Labs, Kansas City Royals, $190 million; • George Kozmetsky, Teledyne and other investments, $175 million; • Carl and George Landegger, paper mills, $250 million; • Leonard and Ronald Lauder, Heirs to Estee Lauder cosmetics, $700 million; • Norman Lear, television producer, $175 million; • Sam LeFrak, America’s largest apartment landlord, $800 million; • Leon Levine, Family Dollar stores, $315 million; • Leonard Litwin, real estate, $200 million; • John Loeb, Shearson Lehman/American Express, $150 million; • Robert Lurie, real estate, New York Giants baseball, $200 million; • Mack family, construction demolition, $250 million; • Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel, Premier Industrial Corp., $260 million; • Leonard Marx, real estate, $300 million; • Bernard Mendik, real estate, $180 million; • Dominique de Menil, daughter of Conrad Schlumberger, $200 million; • Sy Syms, Cut-rate clothing, $210 million; • Paul and Seymour Millstein, real estate, $275 million; • Stephen Muss, real estate, $200 million; • S. I. Newhouse, media empire, $2.2 billion; • Robert Olnick, real estate, $200 million; • Max Palevsky, computers. $200 million; • William Paley Family, CBS television fortune, $290 million; • Jack Parker, real estate, clothing manufacturing, $300 million; • Milton Petrie, Petrie Stores, shopping centers, $585 million; • Victor Posner, Sharon Steel, National Can, $250 million; • Sol Price, Merchandizer, $200 million; • Pritzker Family, Hyatt Hotels, $1.5 billion; • Pulitzer Family, St. Louis Post Dispatch fortune, $475 million; • Resnick Family, real estate, construction, $250 million; • Meshulum Riklis, Rapid American Corporation, $150 million; • Rose Family, real estate, $250 million; • Rosenwald Family, Sears & Roebuck fortune, $300 million; • Jack and Lewis Rudin, real estate, $700 million; • Arthur Sackler, medical publishing, advertising, $175 million; • Schnitzer Family, steel, shipping, real estate, $250 million; • Shapiro Family, cones, cups, disposable paper goods, $350 million (shared among 70 family members); • Peter Sharp, real estate, $250 million; • Leonard Shoen, U-Haul, $300 million; • Walter Shorenstein, real estate, $300 million; • Lawrence Silverstein, Chair New York Real Estate Board, $180 million [plus a double insurance payout from World Trade Center buildings collapse]; • Herbert and Melvin Simon, shopping centers, $385 million combined; • Norton Simon, industrialist, $200 million; • Sheldow Solow, real estate, $250 million; • Stanley Stahl, real estate; $250 million; • Ray Stark, motion pictures, $150 million; • Saul Steinberg, financier/Reliance Insurance, $400 million; • Leonard Stern, Hartz Mountain pet food, $550 million; • Stone Family, Stone Container Co., $200 million; • Sulzberger Family, New York Times media empire, $450 million; • Swig family, real estate, $300 million; • Sydney Taper, First Charter Financial Corporation, $300 million; • Laszlo Tauber, real estate, (U.S. government’s largest landlord), $300 million; • A. Alfred Taubman, real estate, fast food, $600 million; • Lawrence and Preston Tisch, Loews Corporation, CBS, Bulova watches, Combined worth: $1.7 billion; • Lew Wasserman, MCA talent agency, $220 million; • Weiler Family, real estate, $240 million; • Harry Weinberg, real estate, securities, bus company, $550 million; • Leslie Wexner, owns 2,500 specialty clothing stores, family worth $1 billion; • Lawrence Wien, real estate, $150 million; • Wirtz Family, real estate, liquor distributorships, Chicago Black Hawks, Bulls, 350 million; • Wolfson Family, movie theaters, television stations, $240 million; • William Ziff Family, Ziff-Davis publishers, $650 million; • Ezra Khedouri, Zilkha Investment Banking, Colt firearms, $150 million; • William Zimmerman, Pic-n-Save bargain stores, $150 million; • Mortimer Zuckerman, real estate, publishing, U.S. News & World Report, New York Daily News, $200 million. Obviously, as we’ve noted, the names and dollar amounts are constantly subject to change, and later in these pages [next issue] we take a more up-to-date look (as of the Forbes 400 list for the year 2004) at those among the Zionist elite who have made the list of America’s —and indeed the world’s— wealthiest. What, of course, the Forbes 400 list does not include are those families and individuals who fall below the top 400 in ranking, and it should be pointed out that such a listing—of the top 1,000 richest, for example—would be quite revealing. And since Forbes does not list the names in rank order, but only in alphabetical order, it is often hard to determine, at first glance, how predominant Jewish names —or Irish or Italian names for that matter— appear in the list. Nonetheless, the Forbes rankings are most instructive and demonstrate beyond any question that Zionist families have achieved immense wealth in America today. ABESS. Miami, Florida. Control the City National Bank of Florida. Members include Leonard Abess and Allan Abess, Jr. ALTHEIM. New York City. Philip and Barbara Altheim control Forest Electric, a subsidiary of EMCOR and the largest electric construction company in the world. Sons and daughters include Marc, Jill and Gary. ANNENBERG. Philadelphia. Long headed by the late Walter Annenberg, who served as U.S. Ambassador to England, appointed by Richard Nixon. Triangle Publications empire. Published TV Guide and Philadelphia Inquirer. ARISON. Miami. Israeli-born Theodore “Ted” Arison founded the Carnival Cruise Lines. Ted’s son Micky now controls the family empire which includes the cruise line, hotels, resorts and Miami Heat basketball team. Ted Arison returned to Israel. ARNOW-WEILER. Boston. Russian-born Jack Weiler partnered with Benjamin Swig in commercial development, grabbing more than seven million square feet. Daughter Joan and husband Robert Arnow and their son David now rule the empire. They have a son, Noah. BARNETT. Fort Worth, Texas. Operated Hilton Hotels in Israel. Louis Barnett and his wife Madlyn (nee Brachman: See BRACHMAN) have son Eliot who is involved in shopping center development. Family also involved in real estate, pharmaceuticals and oil. Family funds Barnett Institute of Biotechnology at Northeastern University. BELFER. New York. Refugees from Poland, Arthur and Rochelle Belfer founded the family now headed by Robert Belfer and daughters Selma Ruben and Anita Saltz. Arthur Belfer was involved in oil and natural gas which later evolved into the infamous Enron corporation. Son Robert was on Enron executive committee but escaped mediaattention. BELZ. Memphis. Belz Enterprises and the Peabody Hotel (Memphis) Group are part of the family’s holdings established by Philip Belz who dabbled in real estate and management. His son Jack Belz and wife Marilyn maintain the family’s affairs. Their daughter Jan, married to Andrew Groveman, is coming into her own, active in Soviet Jewish emigration. BELZBERG. Canada-New York-Israel. Sam Belzberg heads Gibralter Capital corporation. Wife: Frances. Daughter Wendy (an editor at the influential Jewish newspaper, Forward, is married to Strauss Zelnick, head of BMG Records. Daughter Lisa is married to Matthew Bronfman (See BRONFMAN). The family [members] are original financial backers of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Their former rabbi, Marvin Heir, left Canada to go to Los Angeles where Heir set up the Center. BENARD-CUTLER. Boston. Along with his partners —Sheldon Adelson, Irwin Chafetz and Dr. Jordan Shapiro— Ted Benard-Cutler runs the Interface Group, developer of Comdex, a global trade show for computers and communications industries. Comdex was sold to the Japanese Softbank Corporation in 1995. Benard-Cutler and Chafetz now are heading GWV International which sets up tour packages for New England. Benard-Cutler and his wife Joan have sons Joel and Robert and daughter Ellen Colmas. BERNHEIM. New York. Stockbroker Leonard Bernheim was outshone socially by his wife Elinor Kridel Bernheim who was active in New York Jewish affairs. Their sons Charles and Leonard are following in their mother’s footsteps. BINSWANGER. Philadelphia. Isidore Binswanger was founder of Maimonides College, the first rabbinical college on American shores. Son Frank established a giant international real estate company with 20 offices throughout the U.S. and Canada. Also active in Japan and elsewhere in Asia and Europe. Frank Jr. and John Binswanger are active in the family company. Son Robert heads the graduate school of education at Dartmouth. BLACK. New York. Leon Black is a former managing director of Drexel Burnham Lambert and now president of Apollo Advisors LP and its affiliate Lion Advisor, LP. Wife Debra is prominent in Jewish affairs. BLAUSTEIN. Baltimore. Louis Blaustein started off as a kerosene peddler, branching out to found American Oil Company (AMOCO). Son and heir Jacob was once called “the titular head of the American Jewish community” and was a major player in the early years of the United Nations. Sisters Fanny Thalheimer and Ruth Rosenberg. Other family members include David Hirschhorn, Barbara Hirschhorn, Mary Jane Blaustein, Arthur Roswell, Elizabeth Roswell, Jeanne Blaustein Borko, Susan Blaustein Berlow. BLOCK. New York. Alexander Block founded Block Drugs that came to manufacture Polident, Nytol and Sensodyne. His son Leonard, grandson Thomas, and granddaughter Peggy Danziger (wife of Richard Danziger) are active in the family’s corporation. BLOOMBERG. New York. Elected mayor of New York City in 2001, Michael Bloomberg started out at Salomon Brothers and went on to establish a multimedia empire providing stories to newspapers and a 24-hour direct satellite television network. BLUMENTHAL. Charlotte, North Carolina. Herman Blumenthal heads the Radiator Specialty Company than produces some 4,000 automotive products. With wife Anita, has three sons Alan, Philip and Samuel who are active in family’s corporate and “philanthropic” affairs. BRACHMAN. Fort Worth. Family founder Leon Brachman launched chemical manufacturing business and branched out to set up Computerized Business Systems, designing programs for small businesses. Son Marshall is associated with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington. Daughter Wendy lives in Israel. Family member Madlyn married into Barnett family of Ft. Worth (See BARNETT). BRAMAN. Miami. Norman Braman started off in Philadelphia where he established the Keystone Discount Stores (38 locations). He and wife Irma retired to Miami where he operates a chain of automobile dealerships. A former owner of the Philadelphia Eagles team. BROAD. Los Angeles. Eli Broad founded SunAmerica, Inc., a financial services firm. A co-owner of the Sacramento Kings and well known as a collector of contemporary art. BUTTENWIESER. New York. The late Benjamin Buttenwieser was a partner in the Kuhn-Loeb banking empire and served as assistant U.S. high commissioner in Germany following World War II. His wife, Helen, was a member of the Lehman Brothers banking family. Their son Lawrence is a partner at the New York law firm of Rosenman & Colin. Son Peter was a high school principal in Philadelphia and is connected to the activities of the (non-Jewish) Ford and Danforth foundations. Son Paul is a psychiatrist and novelist in Belmont, Massachusetts. CARDIN.The wealth of Israeli-born Shoshana Cardin’s late husband, real estate tycoon Jerome Cardin, made it possible for her to rise to high prominence in the American Jewish community as the first female president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and as chair of the United Israel Appeal. His daughter Nina is one of the first women admitted as a Conservative rabbi. Son Sandy Cardin runs the Schusterman Foundation in Tulsa, Oklahoma. CARTER. Victor Carter is said to have “specialized in the turnaround of ailing companies” but is best known for heading the United Way, City of Hope and Israel Bonds. His wife Andrea has been involved in—of all things—the Country Music Commission. CHANIN. New York. Irwin and Henry Chanin, brothers, were major real estate developers in early 20th century New York. Irwin’s son, Marcy, and wife Leona Feifer Chanin (senior vice president of the American Jewish Congress) have children: two of whom are attorneys, James Chanin of Oakland California and Ann Glazer of Los Angeles. Another daughter, Nancy Sneider, resides in Boca Raton, Florida. Irwin’s son, Paul Chanin, is based in Aspen, Colorado, where the family foundation operates. He runs the famous Pinon’s restaurant as a sideline. COHEN. New Orleans. Rosalie Palter Cohen, daughter of Universal Furniture founder Leon Palter, has been a major player in the powerful Jewish community in the Crescent City. CONE. A large Southern Jewish family (descended from 13 original children of Herman Cone) which gained its wealth through the Cone Mills, the largest manufacturer of denim in the world. CORWIN. Los Angeles. Bruce C. Corwin is president of the Metropolitan Theatres Corporation which owns movie theaters and popcorn concessions. Funders of “conservative” Pepperdine University in fashionable Malibu. CROWN. Chicago. The late Henry Crown was closely connected to organized crime in Chicago and built up a major real estate empire based in the Material Service Corp. a building supply firm. In 1959 the family gained control of major defense contractor General Dynamics. The Crown family were major players in helping finance Israel’s secret nuclear arms development program. Son Lester now heads the family. Son Dan operates Crown theaters. CUMMINGS. Chicago. Nathan Cummings founded the food production conglomerate best known for “Sara Lee” products. His three children and ten grandchildren are maintaining the family foundation. DAVIDSON. Detroit. William Davidson took over his uncle’s windshield business which evolved into Guardian Industries, the fifth largest glass manufacturer in the world. Owner of the Detroit Pistons team. The Davidson-funded William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan’s School of Business Administration has been interfering in the newly developing economies of Eastern Europe. DEUTSCH. Santa Monica. Carl Deutsch operates the family’s real estate and management services. DURST. New York. Joseph Durst and his three sons, Seymour, David and Royal, and grandchildren Douglas, Robert, Jonathan and Joshua have developed large areas of Third Avenue and New York’s West Side. EISNER. Los Angeles. Michael Eisner engineered the merger between Capital Cities, owner of ABC and other properties. Took over Walt Disney Company in 1984. The grandson of the co-founder of the American Safety Razor Co. EPPLER. Cleveland-Palm Beach. German-born Heinz Eppler took over Miller-Whol and expanded the company to 420 women’s apparel stores sold in 1984 to Petrie Stores Corporation. Son David is based in Washington, D.C. EVERETT. Described as “successful private investors”, Henry and Edith Everett are active in a variety of Jewish philanthropies. Son David is also active in Jewish affairs. FEINBERG. Chicago. Rueben Feinberg is president of Jefferson State Bank in Chicago. FELDBERG. Boston. Sumner and Stanley Feinberg, cousins, founded the T.J. Maxx stores (with more than 500 outlets), Hit or Miss stores (with 500 outlets) and the Chadwick’s catalog operation. FELDMAN. Dallas. The late Jacob “Jake” Feldman founded Commercial Metals, a major New York stock exchange company. His son and heir Robert has been active in the Dallas Jewish community. FEUERSTEIN. Westport, Connecticut-Newport Beach, California-Los Angeles-New York City. Heirs of Aaron Feurstein of the Malden Mills textile empire which produced Polartec fabric from the recycling of plastic bottles. Aaron’s brother, Moses, was a leading figure in U.S. Orthodox Judaism. Moses’s son, Morty, leads the Orthodox community in Vancouver, Canada. FISHER. New York. Founded by Zachary and Lawrence Fisher, this is a major New York real estate development family. MAX FISHER.Detroit. A major oil industrialist and top-level player in Republican Party affairs, Max Fisher maintained long-standing business ties to Israel and to Israeli intelligence. Once described by the National Police Gazette (December 1974) as one of the powerful “mystery men” who told Michigan-based Republican politician Gerald Ford (later U.S. president) “what to do and when to do it”. (In Final Judgment, this author’s study of the JFK assassination conspiracy, we outlined the Ford-Fisher connection —and Fisher’s ties to Israeli intelligence— in light of Ford’s role on the Warren Commission which ostensibly “investigated” the JFK assassination, but which effectively functioned as a cover-up of the long-secret Israeli link to the president’s murder.) FRIEDMAN. Mill Valley, California. Eleanor Friedman—one of several heirs to the Levi Strauss billions—and her husband, Jonathan Cohen, are founders of the New Israel Fund, which is considered one of the “liberal” foundations advancing left-wing causes in Israel, including women’s rights, religious pluralism and better relations with native Palestinian Christians and Muslims. GERBER. Chicago. Max Gerber established the Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Company which is now controlled by daughter Harriet Gerber Lewis and her children, Alan and Ila. GIDWITZ. Chicago. Gerald Gidwitz chairs Helene Curtis, the personal-care products company. His son Ronald is president of the firm, which was acquired by Unilever in 1996. The family also owns Continental Materials Corporation, producers of heating and cooling equipment. GODCHAUX. New Orleans. Heirs to Godchaux Sugar, once Louisiana’s largest sugar producer, and to the famous Godchaux’s department store of New Orleans. Family members are spread throughout the United States. GOLD. Los Angeles. Stanley Gold heads Shamrock Holdings, a diversified investment company associated with the Disney heirs. A major investor in Koor Industries, Israel’s largest industrial company. Gold has son Charles and daughter Jennifer. GOLDSMITH. New York. Several children of stock broker Horace Goldsmith’s wife Grace —James, William and Thomas Slaughter— control the foundation established with Goldsmith’s largess. Richard and Robert Menschel —both Goldman Sachs bankers who are cousins— are also involved in the family’s enterprises. GOLDENBERG. Philadelphia. Heirs to confectionery and candy bar fortune which produces the Goldenberg Peanut Chew —the firm’s only product. Family members include Carl and Ed and David. GOTTSTEIN. Alaska. Barney Gottstein. Heads Anchorage-based Carr-Gottstein Foods, the largest Alaska-based company, involved in supermarkets, wholesale groceries and real estate. Served as national vice president of the Israeli lobby group, AIPAC, and on the Democratic National Committee. Son Robert has been working closely with pro-Israel Christian evangelist Pat Robertson in promoting Jewish causes. GRASS. Scranton, Pennsylvania. Alex Grass took the Thrift Discount Center of small Keystone City state big time and established more than 2,700 Rite Aid Pharmacies in 23 states, with subsidiaries including Auto Palace auto parts, Concord Custom Cleaners, Encore Books and Sera-Tec Biologicals. Served as chairman of Israel’s Hebrew University. Children include sons Martin and Roger. ALAN GREENBERG. New York. Alan “Ace” Greenberg chaired Bear Stearns and has been active in numerous Jewish causes. MAURICE GREENBERG. New York. Known as “Hank” Greenberg, this insurance baron took over American International Group (AIG) and has been active in the Far East. Plays a prominent role in the influential Council on Foreign Relations. Children include Jeffrey, Evan, Lawrence “Scott”, and daughter Cathleen. GRUSS. New York. Joseph Gruss was active in oil and gas exploration in Texas, Oklahoma and Wyoming and founded Gruss & Company, involved in oil and gas mergers and acquisitions. Daughter Evelyn’s husband, Kenneth Lipper, an attorney, is an investment banker and former New York City deputy mayor for finance. His son Martin is involved in horse racing. GUMENICK. Miami. Nathan Gumenick built and owned 10,000 apartments and 500 houses in Miami, the first high-rise apartment developer in the Jewish retirement mecca. He was among the major supporters of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in its developmental period. Son Jerome is active in the Jewish community in Richmond, Virginia. HAAS. The combined members of this immensely wealthy family are the heirs to the Levi-Strauss garment fortune. Altogether the combined wealth of the various members of the family places them beyond any question in the highest ranks of the nation’s wealthiest families. HALPERN. Sam Halpern and his brother Arie —Polish-born immigrants who came to America— have been heavily involved in construction of resort hotels in Israel. Evidently the Halperns accumulated their wealth in the black market in the Soviet Union and later in the construction industry in the United States. HASSENFELD. New York-Rhode Island. Heirs to the Hasbro toy manufacturing empire (producer of Mr. Potato Head and GI Joe), the world’s largest toy company. Family members include Alan and Harold. HASTEN. Indianapolis, Indiana. Hart and Mark Hasten developed a chain of 1,500 convalescent centers and have been involved in banking and real estate, including the family holding company, Hasten Bancshares, Inc. Hart is close to the Likud bloc in Israel. HECHINGER/ENGLAND. Washington, D.C. Spawned from the Hechinger hardware store chain in the nation’s capital region, founded by John Hechinger and Ross Hechinger. Richard England married into the Hechinger family. His son Richard has served on the executive committee of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). GOTTESFELD HELLER. Fanya Gottesfeld Heller, widow of investor Joseph Heller, claims her fame by virtue of not only her husband’s largess, which she distributes to Jewish causes, but also as a result of having written a widely touted memoir of her years as a Ukraine-born “Holocaust survivor”. HEYMAN. New York-Connecticut. Sam Heyman and his wife Ronnie (both graduates of Yale and Harvard) won their riches through Sam’s involvement with the GAF Corporation, a major building materials and chemicals manufacturing company. In 1991 Sam spun off the chemicals division which is now a publicly-traded corporation known as International Specialty Products. Mrs. Heyman (nee Feuerstein: See FEUERSTEIN) was a law school classmate of Hillary Rodham Clinton. HOCHBERG. New York and Chicago. Heirs of Joseph Hochberg who ran Children’s Bargaintown USA. Son Larry is chairman of Sportmart, a sporting goods chain. HOFFMAN. Dallas, Texas. Edmund Hoffman made his fortune as the leading (Dallas-based) Coca-Cola bottler and distributor in Southwest Texas. Son Richard is a well-known physician in Colorado. Son Robert was one of the founders of the National Lampoon humor magazine. JESSELSON. New York. Michael, Daniel and Benjamin are the heirs of Ludwig Jesselson, who had risen to become CEO of the Philipp Brothers firm, one of the world’s largest markets of more than 150 raw materials including steel, crude oil, chemicals and cement. The firm was later acquired by Salomon Brothers, Inc., the international banking house. KAPLAN. New York. Stanley Kaplan is the “educational” wizard who spawned the popular SAT-training courses that high school students use to study for the college entrance examinations. Stanley says he is particularly concerned with grooming “leaders” in the Black and Hispanic communities, which means —to grassroots Black and Hispanic leaders— grooming Black and Hispanic figures who will do the bidding of America’s Jewish elite. KEKST. New York. Gershon Kekst is the head of the corporate and financial communications firm, Kekst and Company. Has son, David, and wife Carol. KLINGENSTEIN. New York. Heirs of Dr. Percy Klingenstein who was chief of surgery of the Third General Hospital of the United States Army, include Frederick Klingenstein, an investment banker, and John Klingenstein. KRAFT. Boston. An owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft made his fortune as founder of International Forest Products, one of the largest privately held paper and packaging companies in the country. KRAVIS. Tulsa. The family fortune was spawned by Raymond Kravis, an oil and gas consultant who included Joseph P. Kennedy and the Rockefeller-controlled Chase Bank among his clients. His sons Henry and George teamed up with their cousin, George Roberts, and brought international fame and fortune to their firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company in the leveraged buyout racket of the 1980s. They acquired some 36 companies including RJR Nabisco. The Kohlberg-Kravis team were closely identified with Republican politics during the era. KRIPKE. Omaha. Talk about good connections! Myer Kripke was a rabbi in Omaha, Nebraska whose wife, Dorothy, wrote children’s books. The wife of legendary (non-Jewish) Omaha-based billionaire investor Warren Buffet liked Mrs. Kripke’s books, and the two women became friends. As a result, the Kripkes were invited to become “modest investors” in Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway company and made a bundle. Son Paul is a philosophy professor at Yale. LAUDER. New York. Leonard and Ronald Lauder are the heirs to the Estee Lauder cosmetics fortune. Ronald also served as U.S. ambassador to Austria and as president of the Jewish National Fund and made a bid for mayor of New York on the Republican ticket in 1989. THOMAS H. LEE. Boston. A leveraged buyout operator, Thomas H. Lee, made a mint when he sold his Snapple soft drink company to Quaker Oats. Now, like all Jewish boys made good, he’s a philanthropist. LEHMAN. Skokie, Illinois. Not to be confused with the German-Jewish “Our Crowd” international banking family of New York, this Lehman family —headed by Kenneth Lehman— made their money through a family business, Fel-Pro Incorporated, an automotive supply manufacturer. To his credit, Lehman is no slave driver. His company offers vast benefits to its employees and all manner of financial gifts and scholarships. LENDER. Connecticut. Marvin and Murray Lender are bagel tycoons. They sold their frozen bagel enterprise to Kraft Foods in 1984 and are now devoting their wealth to Jewish causes. LEVENTHAL & SIDMAN. Boston. Partners in Beacon Properties, the largest real estate investment trust in the United States, Edwin Sidman and Alan Leventhal took their company public in 1994 and have expanded their interests on a national scale. Leventhal has been closely associated with the political endeavors of Bill Clinton. LEVIN. New York. Gerald Levin, who rose to become CEO of the Bronfman family-controlled Time Warner empire, started out as a lieutenant of Lewis Strauss, the Jewish chief of the Atomic Energy Commission. Although there’s nothing in the public record to suggest it, it’s a good bet that Levin and Strauss had a hand in “helping” Israel achieve atomic weapons. Today Levin is a member of the Rockefeller-funded Council on Foreign Relations. A major media figure indeed. LEVINSON. New York. Morris Levinson’s widow, Barbara, has become a leading Jewish community figure through the distribution of the largess of Morris’s wealth accumulated as a food and cosmetics conglomerate that merged with Nabisco. Morris was also a founder of the Center for Democratic Studies which has been described as “the first ‘think’ tank”. Son Adam is based in Tallahassee, Florida but active in Jewish affairs nationwide. Son Joshua is a professor at Hebrew University. Daughter Judy is married to one John Oppenheimer. LEVY. Dallas, Texas. Irving, Milton and Lester Levy—brothers—control the NCH Corp., which produces and distributes maintenance products to hotels, government agencies and industrial corporations. Their four sons are also in the family business. LEON LEVY. New York. A leader of America’s Sephardic Jewish elite (commemorated by Stephen Birmingham in his book, The Grandees, Leon Levy made a fortune as CEO of Urban Substructures, Inc. which was involved in the construction and engineering of many leading properties in New York City. Levy also served as chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Children include Mark, Mimi, Judy and Janet. His wife Elsi is a professional musician. LIPPERT. New York. Albert and Felice Lippert made their millions helping millions of people lose weight. Teaming up with Jean Nidetch, a stout Jewish homemaker who had set up dieting support groups, they formed Weight Watchers International and sold the thriving enterprise to Heinz foods in 1978. Sons Keith and Randy. LIST. New York. Albert List made a success in distributing appliances and then branched out and grabbed control of Hudson Coal Company, assembling a conglomerate that included the RKO theater chain. LOEB. New York. The late Carl Morris Loeb made his millions with American Metal Co. and later went on to found Loeb Rhoades (which is now Shearson Lehman/American Express). Carl’s son John married the daughter of Arthur Lehman of the Lehman Brothers banking house. John Loeb has two sons, Arthur and John Jr. (who was a U.S. ambassador to Denmark), and his daughter Ann was married to Edgar Bronfman and produced Edgar Bronfman, Jr. This intermarriage of Jewish family fortunes illustrates the manner in which the Jewish elite have kept their wealth “in the tribe”, so to speak. Incidentally, this Loeb family is not to be confused with the Loeb family of the Kuhn Loeb banking empire—another major Jewish fortune altogether. LOWENBERG. San Francisco. Holocaust survivor William Lowenberg, head of the Lowenberg Corporation, is a major San Francisco real estate developer. Son David carries on the family name and involvement in Jewish affairs. MACK. New York. H. Bert Mack started out in demolition and was responsible for major operations at the sites where the United Nations, the New York World’s Fair and the Triboro Bridge were built. The Mack Company is now a major real estate developer. Sons include Earl, Bill, David and Fred. MANDEL. Cleveland. Morton, Jack and Joseph Mandel launched Premier Industrial Corporation which is today a major player in the production of rare electronic products. They merged Premier with Farnell Electronics, a British firm, to form Premier Farnell PLC. MARCUS. Dallas. This is the family of the famed Nieman-Marcus Department Store. Although the company was sold in 1969, Stanley Marcus remained on the board for several years. He also served as chairman of the American Retail Federation. BERNARD MARCUS. Atlanta. The Home Depot home supply empire —the largest in the country— is the brainchild of Bernard Marcus whose children, Fred, Morris and Suzanne are the heirs to the fortune. MERKIN. New York. Hermann Merkin set up the Merkin & Co. investment banking firm that includes his son Sol and his son-in-law Andrew Mendes. Daughter Daphne has been a New York Times columnist and a novelist. MEYERHOFF. Baltimore. Construction and shopping center tycoon Harvey Meyerhoff was first chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. and also chairman of the United Way. His son Joseph Meyerhoff II is a major Baltimore figure as are his daughters Terry Rubenstein and Zoh Hieronimus, a radio talk show host of some repute. MEYERSON. Dallas. Mort Meyerson’s claim to fame is his association with Ross Perot, and is said to be Perot’s “right hand man” serving as president of Electronic Data Systems and then as CEO of Perot Systems Corporation. MILKEN. New York-Los Angeles. The infamous Milken brothers —Michael and Lowell— came to prominence in the financial trading scandals in the 1980s but they nonetheless remain major figures in the worldwide Jewish community and particularly respected among “conservatives” who admire Milken-style piracy and hyper-capitalism. MILLSTEIN. New York. Ira Millstein is a partner in the influential New York law firm of Weil Gotshal & Menges and has taught at the Yale School of Management and the New York University School of Law. He has served on numerous government commissions and on the National Association of Corporate Directors. MILSTEIN. New York. The Circle Floor Company, founded by Morris Milstein, laid the floors in Rockefeller Center and the United Nations, but Morris’s sons Seymour and Paul developed the family firm, Milstein Properties, into a major real estate enterprise, owning hotels, offices and apartments. They also controlled the international United Brands empire for a period and in 1986 bought the Emigrant Savings Bank. Family members Howard and Edward control Douglas Elliman, a building management and brokerage concern, and the Liberty Cable Television Company. MUSHER. New York. Sidney Musher was a pharmaceuticals executive who was a major player in opening the American market for Israeli products. His sons David and Daniel are doctors. NAGEL. Los Angeles. The Nagel Construction Company funds the affairs of Jack and Gitta Nagal —both Holocaust survivors. Their children include Ronnie, David, Careena —based in Los Angeles. Daughter Esther lives in Englewood, New Jersey. NASH. New York. With his partner, Leon Levy (See LEON LEVY), Jack Nash was a founder of the hotly successful private money fund, Odyssey Partners. His son-in-law is investor George Rohr. Jack’s wife, Helen, is the sophisticated author of kosher cookbooks. NASHER. Dallas. Another of the elite Jewish rulers of Texas, Raymond Nasher was a major mall developer, including the famous North Park, among his success stories. OFFIT. New York. A former manager at Solomon Brothers, Morris Offit went on to launch his own investment bank, Offitbank, and his own investment advisory firm, Offit Associates. PEARLE. Dallas. Dr. Stanley Pearle, an optometrist, made his fortune in the famous Pearle Vision Centers, the world’s largest eyeglass dealers. PECK. New York. Stephen and Judith Stern Peck are Jewish socialites of the highest order. Stephen has been chairman of the board of famed Mt. Sinai Hospital and Judith has been chair of the board of the United Jewish Appeal-Federation. Their daughter-in-law, Stephanie Rein, and their son, Emmanuel, are also big names in New York Jewish affairs. PERELMAN. New York. Born in Philadelphia, the heir to Belmont Industries, a metal fabricating enterprise that became a holding company for several other businesses in the region, Ronald Perelman now controls more than 44 companies through the MacAndrew & Forbes empire. Among his holdings are his best known, Revlon, the cosmetics giant, the Coleman Co. (which makes camping equipment), California Federal Bank, and Consolidated Cigar (which produces multiple cigar brands). His son Steven is involved in the family’s business affairs. POLK. Chicago. Sam and Sol Polk created the Polk Brothers department stores which were a major force in the Chicago metropolitan area until they closed up in 1992, but the family remains wealthy. Family members include Howard Polk, a stockbroker, Roberta Lewis and Bruce Bachmann, a real estate executive. PRITZKER. Chicago. Hyatt hotels, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Continental and Braniff Airlines, McCall’s magazine, and the Ticketmaster entertainment octopus have all been part of the Pritzker family’s gigantic fortune. The family founder Nicholas was an immigrant from Kiev who established a law firm that he used to launch the climb to wealth and power. His sons Harry, Jack and Abraham and the latter’s sons, Jay, Robert and Donald, have been the “big” names in the family. Their Marmon Group “specializes in buying and restructuring troubled companies”. RATNER. Cleveland-New York. The Ratner family’s Cleveland-based Buckeye Material Company evolved into Forest City Enterprises (now Forest City Ratner Companies), which is a major real estate developer in their hometown and in New York. They were involved in the 42nd Street redevelopment. Family members include Charles, James, Ronald, Albert, Leonard and Max, who was the founder of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce. Mark Ratner is a professor of chemistry at Northwestern University. REDSTONE. New York. Born “Rothstein”, Sumner Redstone took over his father’s movie theater chain and expanded it to nearly 900 affiliates. In 1987 he orchestrated the leveraged buyout of Viacom, Inc., which is one of the major global media enterprises, controlling Paramount Studios, Blockbuster Video, Simon & Schuster, Nickelodeon and MTV. His daughter Shari Redstone is increasingly involved in her father’s empire. RESNICK. New York. Jack and Pearl Resnick and their son Burton have made a vast fortune in New York real estate, dealing in office property purchase and renovation. Daughter Marilyn is married to Stanley Katz and active in Jewish affairs both in the U.S. and Israel. RIFKIND.New York. A well-known attorney and a partner in the well-known elite firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind Wharton & Garrison, Simon Rifkind was an “advisor” to General Dwight Eisenhower on issues such as the disposition of uprooted Holocaust survivors and was a major player in lobbying on behalf of the formation of Israel. His son Robert, a partner in the equally elite law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, was president of the American Jewish Committee. ROSE. New York. Born in Jerusalem, David Rose came to New York and set up a wide-ranging and powerful real estate firm, Rose Associates, that has built, owned and/or managed properties in New York as well as Washington, D.C., Boston, Florida and Connecticut. His sons Frederick, Daniel and Elihu and grandchildren Adam and Jonathan are now in charge of the Rose empire’s affairs. ROSENWALD. Chicago-New Orleans. Julius Rosenwald made his fortune by grabbing control of Sears & Roebuck, the catalog giant. His son Lessing, however, upset many in the American Jewish community by being a major supporter of anti-Zionist causes. Daughter Edith, who was a major supporter of “civil rights” causes in the South, operating out of a fabulous mansion in New Orleans modeled after “Tara” in Gone With the Wind, married into the Stern family. Her family ran the WDSU media empire in New Orleans and were close personal friends of Clay Shaw, prosecuted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, for involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. (See Final Judgment by this author, Michael Collins Piper, for further details about the strange role of the Stern family in the affairs surrounding Shaw and accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.) The family is quite large and remains active in real estate and cable television. RUDIN. New York. Jack and Lewis Rudin and their children, including sons William and Eric, are the rulers of Rudin Management which operates New York-based office and residential buildings. SAFRA. NewYork-Monte Carlo. Although Syrian-born Jew Edmond Safra died several years in Monte Carlo in a mysterious fire (with allegations of involvement by Russian Jewish organized crime in his death), there is no mystery about the fact that his global banking empire, based in the Republic New York Corp. and the Swiss-based Trade Development (which merged with American Express), were quite powerful in the shadowy world of international finance. The family empire is now controlled by his brothers Joseph and Moise and their heirs. SAUL. New York. Joseph Saul founded the Brooks Fashion chain which he sold to great profit in 1984. He is now churning his p
  5. Druide

    SAUL. New York. Joseph Saul founded the Brooks Fashion chain which he sold to great profit in 1984. He is now churning his profits into many Jewish causes, Israeli interests in particular.

    SAUNDERS. Boston. The Saunders Real Estate Corp. of Donald Saunders owns the Park Plaza hotel in Boston, along with a host of other commercial properties in the Bay State. His daughters Lisa and Pamela are seen as heirs to the fortune. Saunders is married to actress Liv Ullman.

    SCHEUER.New York. A gas and coal company and New York real estate provided the foundation for this family’s wealth. One family member, James, served in Congress. Walter is an investment manager and documentary producer. Steven is a media critic. Amy is a psychotherapist. Richard has chaired the board of governors of Hebrew Union College and finances archeological digs in Palestine.

    SCHOTTENSTEIN. Columbus, Ohio. This retail and real estate empire is known for Schottenstein Stores Corporation, Value City Department Stores, Value City Furniture and American Eagle Outfitters. Jay Schottenstein is now head of the family’s empire.

    SCHUSTERMAN. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Charles Schusterman heads up Samson Investment Company, the largest independent gas producer, headquartered in Oklahoma. Daughter Stacy is involved in the family business. Son Jay lives in Colorado. Son Hal lives in Israel.

    SELIG. Atlanta. Heir to Ben Massell, a real estate developer, S. Stephen Selig is a major Atlanta developer in his own right, through Selig Enterprises. His daughter is Mindy Selig Shoulberg, a major player in the city’s Jewish community.

    SILVERSTEIN. New York. The son of a real estate broker who rose to become a major high-rise office building developer, Larry Silverstein is probably best known today as the Jewish operator who gained control of the leases of the World Trade Center shortly before the 9-11 tragedy, a subject that has been covered in some detail by AmericanFree Press, the national populist newsweekly based in Washington, D.C. Rumors connecting Silverstein to both the CIA and organized crime activities have circulated for some time.

    SIMON. Indianapolis. One of the five biggest shopping mall empires in the country —the second largest, in fact— is the basis of the fortune of brothers Melvin and Howard Simon who developed 62 malls and 55 shopping centers. In 1996 their holdings grew even larger when they merged with the (non-Jewish) DeBartolo Realty Corp. Mel co-owns the Pacers basketball team and has produced “trash” films such as Porky’s. His son David, who had been an investment banker at CS First Boston and Wasserstein, Perella, is now assuming a role in the family business which includes the famous Mall of America in Minneapolis, at one time certainly the largest mall in America.

    SKIRBALL. Los Angeles. Jack Skirball was a rabbi, a real estate developer and a film producer —three professions of interest to all good Jewish boys, it seems. His wealthy family remains active in Jewish affairs in California.

    SLIFKA. New York. The Halcyon/Alan B. Slifka Management Company provides this family the money they need to remain active in Jewish affairs in New York.

    CHARLES E. SMITH. Washington, D.C. Don’t be fooled by the name. He’s Jewish and he was one of the biggest real estate developers in Washington, D.C. Robert Smith and brother-in-law Robert Kogod now run the empire which includes the Crystal City apartment complex in Arlington, Virginia, and Skyline City in Virginia.

    RICHARD SMITH. Boston. Based in New England, the General Cinema movie chain expanded to take control of Neiman-Marcus (the Dallas-based department store) along with Harcourt Brace Publishing (now Harcourt General). General Cinema is now known as GC Cos. Robert Smith, son of Richard, has taken over the family’s affairs. The family is described as “very low profile”.

    SONNABEND. Boston. Robert, Paul and Stephanie Sonnabend are the principals in the Sonesta International Hotels Corporation. They have some 19 properties, including in Cairo, Egypt.

    SPERTUS. Chicago. Picture-framemanufacturing — through Metalcraft Corporation (later Intercraft Industries Corporation) — made the family fortune.

    SPIELBERG. Los Angeles. Everyone knows the name of Stephen Spielberg, the movie legend responsible for a wide array of popular films, not to mention Schindler’s List. His primary company is Dreamworks SKG. Amblin Entertainment is another part of the Spielberg empire.

    MARY ANN STEIN. Indianapolis. Mary Ann Stein, heir to bankers and businessmen, is active in liberal causes to the point that she become president of the New Israel Fund, an organization devoted to promoting “liberalism” in Israeli society, a cause that inflames hard-line Zionists to a certain extent, considering the New Israel Fund’s friendly gestures toward native Palestinians. (See also FRIEDMAN.)

    SAM STEIN. Jacksonville, Florida. Sam Stein started the Steinmart Store in Mississippi and his son Jay developed a chain of 150 stores specializing in “upscale off-price merchandise” in 21 states. Jay’s wife Cynthia is an art teacher active in Jewish affairs in Jacksonville.

    STEINBERG. New York. Saul Steinberg made a fortune through Leasco, a computer leasing firm, and then went big time with Reliance Insurance, which he purchased in 1968. His brother Robert and brother-in-law Bruce Sokoloff were heavily involved in family affairs. His daughter Laura is married to Jonathan Tisch of the powerful Tisch media empire (See TISCH.) His son Jonathan is owner of Financial Data which publishes Individual Investor magazine.

    STEINHARDT. New York. Hedge-fund manager/tycoon Michael Steinhardt has a “passion”, it is said: that being “Jewish continuity”. Even though he “an avowed atheist” according to Avenue magazine, Steinhardt is still “yet one of America’s biggest supporters of Jewish and Israel causes”. He is a financier behind Forward, the influential New York-based Jewish weekly.

    STERN & LINDENBAUM. New York. Heir to the Hartz Mountain (pet supplies) fortune, Leonard Stern owns the “liberal” Village Voice newspaper and is engaged in a variety of real estate ventures. His son Emanuel operates the SoHo Grand Hotel and is married into the influential Peck family (See PECK). The wealth of Leonard’s stepmother, Ghity Amiel Lindenbaum, also contributes to the family fortune.

    STONE. Cleveland. Irving, Morris and Harry Stone were heirs to the American Greetings (card) Corporation. The cartoon figure “Ziggy” is one of their contributions to popular culture.

    STONEMAN. Boston. Samuel Stoneman was vice chairman of the board of General Cinema Corporation. His daughters are Jane Stein and Elizabeth Deknatel. They run the family’s foundation.

    AARON STRAUS. Baltimore. The family fortune was based on the nationwide Reliable Stores Corporation. They are major contributors to “good” causes in the Baltimore region.

    NATHAN & OSCAR STRAUS. New York. Heirs to the R. H. Macy and Abraham & Straus department store fortunes. Oscar Straus II and Oscar Straus III are key family figures today.

    STRAUSS. Dallas. Former Democratic Party National Chairman and U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Robert Strauss is a high-powered lawyer with the firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. The son of Charles, a merchant, Robert Strauss was a key player in the rise of Lyndon Johnson to the presidency. His brother Ted’s wife Annette formerly served as mayor of Dallas.

    STRELITZ. Norfolk, Virginia. The Haynes home furnishing chain, based in Virginia, is the source of this family’s wealth. E. J. Strelitz is CEO of the company.

    SWIG. San Francisco. This family owns the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco and other Fairmonts across the country. The Plaza Hotel is one of their crown jewels. Benjamin Swig and his son Melvin opened up the first shopping mall in the United States. Ben was partnered with Jack Weiler (See ARNOW-WEILER) in the commercial real estate business. Ben’s brother Richard, and Ben’s sons Kent, Robert and Steven, are involved in family foundation activities along with an in-law, Richard Dinner.

    SYMS. New York. Sy Syms, head of the Syms Corp., which has a chain of 40 stores selling designer labels at discount prices, has brought his son Robert and daughter Marcy into the family business. Marcy has been a vice president of the American Jewish Congress. The family has also branched out into real estate.

    TAUBER. Detroit. Joel Tauber made his fortune in manufacturing: Key Fasteners, Key Plastics (automotive parts) Keywell Corporation (scrap metal) and Complex Tooling & Molding (computer parts). Son Brian is involved in the family business. Daughter Ellen Horing is a money manager in New York. Another daughter, Julie McMahon, works with disadvantaged children.

    TAUBMAN. New York. Developer of major shopping malls nationwide, Taubman had early business dealings with Max Fisher of Detroit (See MAX FISHER) and has been closely associated with Leslie Wexner (See WEXNER) of The Limited stores. Taubman was involved in the purchase and sale of the Irvine Ranch in Southern California. Taubman bought the Sotheby’s auction house and ended up being sentenced to a year in jail for price fixing. Vanity Fair reported in late 2002 that Taubman was a popular figure among his fellow inmates. His sons William and Robert are big players in the family empire.

    TISCH. New York. Leading supporters of Israel, best known today for their control of the CBS broadcasting empire, Lawrence and Preston Tisch were among the most powerful Jews in America, although Lawrence recently died. Loews, CAN Financial, Lorillard and Bulova are all part of the Tisch empire. Lawrence had sons James, Daniel, Tom and Andrew, the latter involved in the executive committee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Preston, who owns the Giants team, served as postmaster general of the United States. His son Steve is a filmmaker and his son Jonathan is the president of Loew’s hotels.

    TISHMAN. New York. This construction family includes David, Norman, Paul, Louis and Alex. Numerous family members are highly active in Jewish affairs. Nina Tishman Alexander and her husband Richard Alexander and Bruce Diker, another family heir, are among the family members engaged in a variety of causes.

    WASSERMAN. Los Angeles. The late Lou Wasserman, longtime head of MCA, the entertainment conglomerate, was —along with his partner, Jules Stein— a sponsor of the rise to fame (in films and in politics) of Ronald Reagan. He has been called the “king” of Hollywood.

    WEILL. New York. As chairman and CEO of the Travelers Group, Sanford Weill is one of America’s wealthiest Jewish tycoons. His son Marc is ensconced at Travelers. His daughter Jessica Bibliowicz runs Smith Barney Mutual Funds.

    WEINBERG. Baltimore-Hawaii. Harry Weinberg started off in the transit business in Baltimore and then branched out to Hawaii where he became a major player in the real estate business during the 1950s when air tourism to the islands boomed.

    WEINER. New York. Chairman and CEO of Republic National Bank of New York and Republic New York Corporation—founded by Edmond Safra (See SAFRA) —Walter Weiner was a founding partner of Kronish, Lieb, Weiner & Hellman. His sons are John and Tom.

    WEXNER. New York-Columbus, Ohio . Leslie Wexner owns it all: The Limited, Express, Lerners, Victoria’s Secret, Henry Bendel, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bath and Body Works, and Lane Bryant. He is particularly concerned with educating future Jewish leaders.

    WINIK. NewYork. Elaine Winik was the first female president of the United Jewish Appeal-Federation and chair of the United Jewish Appeal. Her daughter Penny Goldsmith is a major figure in AIPAC and in the ADL. The Winik fortune was made in the production of handbags.

    WINTER. Milwaukee. Elmer Winter started Manpower, the temporary employment agency that has 1,000 offices in some 32 countries. He’s also been active in expanding business between the United States and Israel and served as national director of the American Jewish Committee.

    WOLFENSOHN. New York. Born in Australia and trained as a merchant banker in London, James Wolfensohn became an executive partner at Salomon Brothers in New York. In 1995 he was appointed head of the World Bank —truly a one-man Jewish powerhouse.

    WOLFSON. Miami. The Wolfson-Meyer Theater Company became Wometco and in 1984 was acquired by Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company after having established itself as a pioneer in motion picture and television broadcasting in the 1920s. The investment firms Wolfson Initiative Corporation and the Novecentro Corporation are parts of the family empire. Family members include Louis III and Mitchell. The best known Wolfson was the infamous Louis who became entangled in an unpleasant scandal involving former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas who was taking money from the Wolfson family foundation.

    ZABAN. Atlanta. Based on a janitorial supply firm, Mandle Zaban and his brother Sam and his son Erwin established Zep Manufacturing that ultimately evolved into National Service Industries, now ruled by Erwin who has been a director of the Anti-Defamation League.

    ZALE. Texas. Morris Zale established one of the world’s largest jewelry chains, but the company was sold in 1987. Heirs David, Marjory, Stanley and Janet are active in Jewish affairs. The two sons still work in the jewelry business.

    ZARROW. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Henry and Jack Zarrow produce oil rigging parts and supplies through the Sooner Pipe and Supply Corporation.

    ZILKHA. Truly a “global” Jewish family, the Zilkhas are heirs to the international Banque Zilkha which had been the largest privately-owned commercial bank in—get this—the Arab world. After the founding of Israel, the Baghdad-based French-speaking family moved west. Family chief Ezra has son Elias and daughters Donna Zilkha Krisel and BettinaLouise. Major players in the small Sephardic Jewish elite in America and active in Israel. They have also branched out into arms manufacturing.

    ZIMMERMAN. Boston-Atlanta-Palm Beach. Harriet Morse Zimmerman, the daughter of a Boston shoe manufacturer, was a vice president of AIPAC and once arrogantly bragged that “the biggest donor to Israel in the world is the U.S. Congress.” Her son Robert is active in Westport, Connecticut. Her daughter Claire Marx and her son-in-law, Mark O’Leary, are also heavily involved in Jewish affairs.

    So there we have it—a grand overview of what are undoubtedly the most powerful Jewish families in America. By no means, as we have said, is the list complete. There are many other names that could be added to the list, usually “lesser fry” (so to speak) in some of the smaller cities and locales around the country. In addition, there are an increasing number of powerful and wealthy foreign Jewish families —from Israel, Iran, Russia and elsewhere— establishing their positions on American shores.

    Michael Colins Piper, The New Jerusalem, 2005

  6. Massif! Ça doit certainement être le plus long commentaire que j’ai reçu! Moi qui pensais que Sylvain Guillemette laissait de longs commentaires!!

    Mais ces informations parlent de d’elles-mêmes, merci Druide.

  7. Je viens d’entendre les résultats d’une firme qui calcule la couverture médiatisée de tout ce qui se passe et il se trouve que le hockey et le club des Canadiens sont DEUX FOIS plus médiatisé que la politique au Québec! Les Canadiens sont deux fois plus populaire que la politique et tout ce que ça comprend avec les scandales, la commission Bastarache, etc.

  8. Instructif:

    Les dix stratégies de manipulation de masses

    Noam Chomsky

    Le linguiste nord-américain Noam Chomsky a élaboré une liste des « Dix Stratégies de Manipulation » à travers les média. Nous la reproduisons ici. Elle détaille l’éventail, depuis la stratégie de la distraction, en passant par la stratégie de la dégradation jusqu’à maintenir le public dans l’ignorance et la médiocrité.

    1/ La stratégie de la distraction

    Élément primordial du contrôle social, la stratégie de la diversion consiste à détourner l’attention du public des problèmes importants et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d’informations insignifiantes. La stratégie de la diversion est également indispensable pour empêcher le public de s’intéresser aux connaissances essentielles, dans les domaines de la science, de l’économie, de la psychologie, de la neurobiologie, et de la cybernétique. « Garder l’attention du public distraite, loin des véritables problèmes sociaux, captivée par des sujets sans importance réelle. Garder le public occupé, occupé, occupé, sans aucun temps pour penser; de retour à la ferme avec les autres animaux. » Extrait de « Armes silencieuses pour guerres tranquilles »

    Voir le reste de l’article: http://www.pressenza.com/npermalink/les-dix-strategies-de-manipulation-de-masses

  9. Dragon XXX

    NON : On dit de la drogue et de la prostitution.
    RÉGION DE MONTRÉAL = Revenu annuel :
    de la drogue : $ 1,000,000,000.00 PAR AN
    de la prostitution : $ 2,000,000,000.00 PAR AN


  10. Et ces chiffres, ils viennent d’où? Quelle en est la source?

  11. Pingback: Un système gangréné, du pain et des jeux… « Les 7 du Québec | Games in the City !

  12. Les porno-scanners dans les aéroports


    Les porno-scanners installés dans les aéroports commencent à créer tout une résistance, et pour cause. Il est admit par des scientifiques qu’ils peuvent causer le cancer, déziper les chaines d’ADN, en plus d’être une invasion grave à votre vie privée puisqu’on vous voit complètement nus, vous, votre femme et vos enfants. Des associations de pilotes et d’agents de bord aux États-Unis ont recommandé à leurs membres de ne pas se faire scanner par ces machines et des experts en sécurité israéliens ont même affirmé qu’ils ne servent à rien puisqu’ils pourraient passer des explosifs à travers ces scanners débiles.


    Naked body scanners may be dangerous: scientists

    US scientists warned Friday that the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners that are being used to screen passengers and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe.

    « They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays, » Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University school of medicine, told AFP.

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    The tale of these back-scatter xray devices becomes more and more curious.

    As reported on 5 January 2010 at:


    « The U.S. government is using $25 million in stimulus money to buy and install full body scanners in airports this year, in an effort to ramp up security and create jobs. »

    The Transportation Security Administration is using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to purchase 150 of the full body scanners, according to TSA spokeswoman Sarah Horowitz. »

    « These « backscatter » scanners, which use X-rays to provide detailed images of hidden objects in or under a person’s clothing, are manufactured by Rapiscan, a subsidiary of Hawthorne, Calif.-based OSI (OSIS). The scanners cost from $150,000 to $180,000 apiece, according to the company. »

    One has to wonder, with OSI’s track record (this company has been around for over 30 years) why such a potentially lethal device would have been cleared for sale, with the real possibility that frequent flyers may sue due to cancer from the radiation coming out of these machines, unless the Federal Government had indemnified them from any and all potential lawsuits.

    Pilots and passengers rail at new airport patdowns

    With the busiest holiday travel season nearing, fliers face long security lines and new rigorous patdown checks begun in recent weeks aimed at discovering hidden explosives. As a result, some travelers are questioning whether to fly at all.

    « We have received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls from travelers vowing to stop flying, » said Geoff Freeman, an executive vice president of the U.S. Travel Association, which set up the meeting with the Obama administration officials.

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    GOOD! These demeaning, invasive searches are truly doing nothing to make flying more safe; it is simply about cowing the American people to to submit to any tyrannical procedure the to which Federal government wants them to submit.

    World Battles The Invasion Of The Naked Body Scanners

    People from all walks of life are rejecting the mass implementation of radiation spewing airport body imaging machines and fighting back against the molestation and groping that women and children are being subjected to at the hands of TSA officials.

    As we have detailed throughout the week, multiple pilot’s unions are advising their members to avoid the scanners, while simultaneously denouncing the enhanced pat downs as humiliating and on a par with sexual harassment.

    Video: Mom upset about daughter’s full body security scan experience

    « It’s an image of a nude child that they’re seeing. This is child pornography whether people want to believe this or not. How is this any different, » said Nemphos. « 

    « My First Cavity Search » Spoof makes it onto TSA screen

    This is a photo of the TSA booth by the security check-in point at Indianapolis International Airport. Take a close look at the wallpaper on the computer in that booth. Nervous yet?

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    These perverts think this is all one big joke!

    Paying To Be Raped, By Sibel Edmonds

    Every single day. Millions of us, Americans. Being violated. Being degraded. You know exactly what I am talking about. I am taking about me, you, your mother, her brother, his brother’s wife and toddler son, their grandmothers. I am talking about the systematic degradation of our people. I am talking about being raped of our dignity, privacy, and decency. I am talking about a daily systematic rape we actually pay to be subjected to. I am talking about severe violations we elect people to bring upon us. Yes, I am talking about traveling, TSA police, and being reduced to naked and helpless subjects of government police practices.

    It’s time to dismantle the TSA


    Clearly, the TSA and the US government are completely out of control.

    Months ago, we told you the full body « backscatter » X-ray screening machines being installed in airports were far more dangerous than the lying scum that sells and installs them in airports claimed.

    Apparently, at least one airline union agrees and have advised their members to refuse to go through them.

    The catch is that if you don’t agree to be irradiated, you must submit to a full body search including the groping of your genitals and this applies to women, children and infants.

    There have already been numerous claims of molestation made against TSA employees.

    The government and TSA’s official response to complaints received: « Fuck you. We’re going to do whatever we want to do. »

    There’s a simple solution to this:

    Stop flying and tell the chicken shit morons who run the airlines that you’re stopping and why.

    Maybe when they see their revenues go down the drain they’ll stand up for their customers.

    By the way, that piece of human garbage Michael Chertoff who ran Homeland Security under Bush (he managed « relief efforts » for New Orleans after Katrina) is the guy who orchestrated the imposition of these scanners into airports WORLDWIDE and personally profits from it.

    Webmaster’s Commentary:

    The government can’t keep the roads paved, can’t keep the schools working, can’t keep the bridges from collapsing, can’t keep the Mississippi from flooding, can’t return to the Moon, can’t keep Wall Street from screwing the American people, can’t keep the oil wells from exploding, can’t replace the shuttle, can’t revive manufacturing, can’t win in Iraq, can’t win in Afghanistan, can’t hold an honest election, can’t decide if the world is warming or headed into a new ice age, but by golly they will justify an aggregate tax rate above 50% by groping our crotches at the airports!

    Full-body scanners are waste of money, Israeli expert says


    Leading Israeli airport security expert says the Canadian government has wasted millions of dollars to install « useless » imaging machines at airports across the country.

    « I don’t know why everybody is running to buy these expensive and useless machines. I can overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747, » Rafi Sela told parliamentarians probing the state of aviation safety in Canada.

    « That’s why we haven’t put them in our airport, » Sela said, referring to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, which has some of the toughest security in the world.

    Sela, former chief security officer of the Israel Airport Authority and a 30-year veteran in airport security and defence technology, helped design the security at Ben Gurion.

    He told MPs on the House of Commons transport committee via video conference from Kfar Vradim, Israel, that he wouldn’t reveal how to get past the virtual strip-search scanners, but said he can provide briefings to officials with security clearance.

    Canada this year bought 44 body scanners for major Canadian airports — three of them for Vancouver International. Each machine cost $250,000 and is being use for secondary screening to detect non-metallic threats, unless the passenger prefers a physical pat-down.

    CATSA, the Canadian agency in charge of screening airline passengers, declined to provide comment on Sela’s analysis.

    Junior Transport Minister Rob Merrifield, who is responsible for the agency, defended the $11-million investment in the machines.

    « Full-body scanners are used by dozens of countries around the world and are considered one of the most effective methods of screening, » Merrifield said in a statement.

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